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The UN International Day of Peace Commemorating the meaning of “Peace”

By 2016년 09월 22일August 19th, 2024No Comments
[ ‘2016 UN International Day of Peace Ceremony ]

The UN International Day of Peace is…
September 21 is designated as the UN International Day of Peace by the United Nations. This is the day when people around the world commemorate the meaning of peace and take action for peace. On this day, countries or regions on war are taking down their weapons and call a truce.
The UN International Day of Peace was first proposed at the General Assembly held in 1981 by the late Dr. Young-sik JO of the Republic of Korea, who was then chairman of the International Association of University Presidents, and the proposal was accepted at the 36th United Nations General Assembly held in November of that year. In Korea, every year since 1982, “UN International Day of Peace” ceremonies, memorial conferences and events have been co-hosted by Kyunghee University, the United Nations Association Republic of Korea, and the International Association of University Presidents. In 2008, Korean Organizing Committee for UN International Day of Peace has been established at the request of the UN Department of Public Information, and peace celebration events have been held every year by the committee, relevant organizations and citizens.

Let’s commemorate the meaning of “Peace”.

[ Professor Yang-ok CHOI of the Graduate School of Culture and Art, Myongji University plays Arirang at the Peace Concert ‘Draw Peace’. ]

On the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace, a ceremony was held at the UN headquarters in New York where UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon struck the bell wishing for world peace with the attendance of female Nobel Peace Prize winners and the United Nations peacekeeping missions. In Korea, there was also a commemoration event that held Peace concert, lectures, photo exhibition, network party and experience events on September 10 at Dongdaemun Design Plaza with the participation of UN organizations, NGOs, governmental organizations, companies, teenagers and university students.

[ Young-hoo KIM, the chairman of HUMAN IN LOVE, delivers a celebration speech at the UN International Day of Peace commemoration event. ]

HUMAN IN LOVE participated in the event as a cooperation organization in order to engage in world’s promise for peace

The Republic of Korea hasn’t invaded another country in its 4000 years of history, which is why the country deserves to talk about “Peace”. This is also the reason why the UN International Day of Peace commemoration event holds special meaning to us. HUMAN IN LOVE is running projects to help vulnerable people develop their skills and lead their lives, and we will dedicate ourselves to contribute to world peace and our society through these projects.
[Young-hoo KIM, the chairman of HUMAN IN LOVE, at the UN International Day of Peace commemoration event]

“Peace” and “Development”
The theme of the UN International Day of Peace this year is “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Building Blocks for Peace”. The SDGs, which were unanimously adopted by 193 member countries on September 2015 at a summit meeting in the New York headquarters, include 17 goals and 169 targets such as poverty eradication, environmental protection and inclusive development for all. Peace and development are inter-dependent and complementary, so the SDGs must be achieved to promote world peace.

[ The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ]

Also taking action for “Peace”
Not only a country and organization but also an individual can take action to achieve peace. Taking action for peace can take various forms such as saving water and recycling to protect the environment and promote peace, engaging in voluntary work and protecting human rights to tackle poverty and inequality that threaten human dignity and human rights.

[ Teens and university students participated in a campaign at the UN International Day of Peace commemoration event. ]

Why don’t you make your own list and take action on it to help promote peace? We hope everyone in this world can take action for world peace and that everyday will be World Peace Day.

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