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Storybooks Are Delivered to Cambodian Children

By 2016년 08월 16일August 19th, 2024No Comments

From August 8 (Monday) to August 9 (Tuesday), HUMAN IN LOVE visited KaukKhnaing Primary School, Reul Primary School, Kesararam Primary School and PreahEn Kosei Primary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to deliver storybooks to children.

[ Storybooks were delivered to the students of Reul Primary School ]

The members of Advisory Committee of Global Contents of HUMAN IN LOVE, Man-Soo KANG, Jung-Jin LIM and Susanna KO, donated their books. Man-soo KANG donated his book “Honey Bee Rescue Team” written to enlighten the importance of the environment and nature, Jung-Jin LIM donated his book “Hayang and Kamang Ask the God Bureung” which is a funny story about important moments like life and death, and Susanna KO donated her “Is A Caterpillar Growing Well On Its Own?”, and Haewang JEONG donated the book “Elephant Bathtub” which is about endless greed bringing misery. A total number of 800 books were translated in Cambodian and donated to 11 primary schools in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

[ Students of PreahEn Kosei Elementary School were delivered with storybooks. ]

Cambodia is designated as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and only 3.6% of Cambodian children have storybooks in their house.

Most of Cambodian children have to go all the way to school to read a book, but many of the schools don’t have a library and even if the school has it, there are not enough books.

[ Library of KaukKhnaing Primary School ]

A book delivery ceremony was held in KaukKhnaing Primary School, and the principal Pol Pean sent a thank you message to HUMAN IN LOVE, to express his gratitude for donating books.

[ Mr. Pol Pean, the principal of KaukKhnaing Primary School sent a thank you note to HUMAN IN LOVE for donating books. ]

Mrs. Van Marath, the principal of Kesararam Primary School, was also deeply grateful for book donation and asked for continued support.

[ Books were delivered to Kesararam Primary School and the principal and teachers are listening what the books are about ]

Students were excited to read books donated by HUMAN IN LOVE. They grabbed the books and started reading them out, and other kids sitting next to them stood beside their friends to read the book together. I could see Cambodia’s bright future from the kids who were really passionate about books.

[ Students of KaukKhnaing Primary School are reading storybooks. ]

In KaukKhnaing Primary School, we had time not only to deliver books but also to read children’s poems and narrate fairy tales. I was so happy and fulfilled to see children excited preparing for narration.

[ Author Jung-Jin LIM and Susanna KO are performing “Red Fan Blue Fan”. ]

HUMAN IN LOVE will work hard on the storybook donation project to make sure that children in the world’s least developed countries are able to read and develop their creativity and abilities to think. Thank you.

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