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Let’s collect ‘Good 100 KRW’ of Seoul Young-Seo Elementary School

By 2014년 07월 21일August 18th, 2024No Comments
[Q&A session about the meaning of ‘HUMAN IN LOVE’]

On July 17, HUMAN IN LOVE provided educational session, ‘Let’s collect Good 100 KRW’ to students of Seoul Young-Seo Elementary School. The session was provided to three classes (4-5, 4-4, 4-2) from period 1 to 3. First, we introduced about HUMAN IN LOVE and helped students to understand the meaning of giving and humanity. Also, we helped students to set-up their giving plans. When we showed the students a video about families with disabled children, some of the students shed tears.

[A student writing down a plan for sharing based on a topic ‘respect’ ]

After the video, we asked the students how they can help the vulnerable people in the video. Many answers were shared and we introduced the need to collect ‘Good 100 KRW.’ Finally, we taught them about the ways to collect ‘Good 100 KRW.’ We discussed about virtues such as respect, understanding, love, order and etc. and asked the students to choose one virtue and write down their plans of sharing based on their choice. Lastly, we asked for the students’ commitment for doing good and giving to others.

[Encouraging messages written and drawn by students ]

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