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Delivering New School Uniforms to Muyange Ⅱ Primary School in Burundi

By 2015년 09월 24일August 18th, 2024No Comments

HUMAN IN LOVE Burundi Branch held a school uniform delivery ceremony on Sep. 18 at the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School and delivered new school uniforms to the entire 441 students.

[ The logo of Korea’s Seoul Yeomchang Elementary School that took part in the fund-raising to support the provision of uniforms is printed on the new school uniforms. ]

The Muyange region, in which the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School is located, is a village in the Bubanza Province established by the Burundian government for the Twa people (Pygmy) and people who lost their home due to war. The village is inhabited by the poorest of the poor of Burundi, one of the least developed countries in the world. Indeed, 247 out of 441 students of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School are from families of the poorest.

[ Children and shabby houses that we met during our local survey. ]

Before conducting local survey, HUMAN IN LOVE planned to provide school uniforms only to lower grade students who don’t have them. However, during the local survey, we found that most of the students were ill off and their uniforms were worn out. As a result, we changed our plan from supporting part of the students to the entire students of the school.

[ Parents’ association of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School is preparing school uniforms for the students. ]

To provide education support for the Burundian students, Seoul Yeomchang Elementary School participated in HUMAN IN LOVE’s character and sharing education program named “Let’s Collect Good 100 KRWs” from October to December, 2014. To express our gratitude to the Yeomchang Elementary School, HUMAN IN LOVE and the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School decided to print the logo of the elementary school on the new uniforms.

Meanwhile, parents’ association of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School bought, printed the logo and prepared the new uniforms that will be delivered to the students. Mothers of the association also delivered the uniforms themselves at the ceremony.

HUMAN IN LOVE called each and every name of the students and handed them the uniforms. The students who received the new uniforms changed to the clean ones.

After the students changed to the newly distributed uniforms, the principal of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School and Mr. Jun-kwon Park of the Burundi Branch delivered a brief speech before the students and the parents, respectively. The principal expressed his appreciation for the new uniforms and asked for continued interest in the students. In particular, he expressed his frustration of not being able to provide quality education to the students due to the rain-leaking ceiling of the school building and insufficient educational materials.

[ The principal of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School is taking care of the students. ]

Following the remarks of the principal, Mr. Jun-kwon, Park delivered his speech. Mr. Park told the students that many people around the world are paying attention to them and supporting change, so they should not hesitate to pursue or give up their dreams but continue to make efforts.

[ Taking a picture with the students wearing the new school uniforms ]

Also, Mr. Park asked the parents not to let their children quit studying due to financial issues but to continuously support their dream, since they are the future of their family, village and country. He also said that, above all, without the interest and support of parents, schools and country, change in or improvement of the lives of the children would be a mere mirage.

Lastly, we took a group picture altogether and concluded the school uniform delivery ceremony. HUMAN IN LOVE would like to express our sincere gratitude to all sponsors who have shown their friendship and given hope to the students, going beyond just simply delivering the new uniforms.

[ Group picture of the Muyange Ⅱ Primary School uniform delivery ceremony ]

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