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By 2013년 10월 30일August 14th, 2024No Comments

” Sabaidee?”(How are you?) I’m a representative of Laos Branch Chiyeon Shim. Today I want to tell you about the projects of the Branch. Most of the contributions to the Branch come from ordinary people who want to donate to help people in need. I want to tell people who have donated to us where their money has been used.

There are some of you who are really interested in what we are doing with the contributions. I know we have the Membership Management Team which offers good explanation to the questions asked by donors. But since each project in each country is facing different challenges, it is not easy for them to elaborate specific plans of individual projects. So I want to update you all about the Laos Branch projects.

Countries have different regulations applied to NGO activities. And Laos have relatively strict regulations for NGOs. NGOs in Laos have to spend a lot of time and efforts for the government approval. It’s not an easy process here in Laos.
Let me briefly explain to you about the necessary procedures for NGOs to begin international development projects.

The First Step – Operation Permit

[ Official Approval Documentation, ‘Operation Permit’, of HUMAN IN LOVE ]

First, NGOs have to obtain Operation Permit from Laotian government. It takes about four to six months to complete the process. NGOs have to prepare required official and evidential documents for administrative process.

HUMAN IN LOVE Laos Branch obtained the permit from the government on April 22nd 2013.

The Second Step – With Government Organizations

[ Left: Chairman of HUMAN IN LOVE, Young-Hoo KIM, Right: Mr. Khamphao, the Deputy Director of National Disaster Management Office of Laos ]

Next, NGOs have to discuss about the projects with related government organizations.

HUMAN IN LOVE Laos Branch is currently collaborating with National Disaster Management Office of Laos. The projects of the Laos Branch are focusing on recovery of people’s lives living in disaster prone areas and reduction of the number of disasters in this region. So with the help of National Disaster Management Office of Laos, we are preparing regional development and educational projects.

[ Meeting with residents of Bolikhan District ]

We also conduct survey to select regions and set project directions.
This is a very important step since through these surveys we are able to identify national development strategy of the government and the resident’s needs. We have to utilize these information to develop effective projects.

It is considered as a foundation work if compared to the process of building a house. During this phase, we conduct preliminary investigation, on-site investigation, survey, data analysis to accurately measure current status of each region.

[ Survey form for regional survey ]

In early June, the Laos Branch had a meeting with the Laotian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Disaster Management Office and explained about the projects we are planning. In late June 2013, the Branch conducted regional survey in candidate regions, produced report on data accumulated, and developed project plans.

[ Workshop with the head of village public officers ]
[ Visited low-income households to conduct survey and investigation. ]

HUMAN IN LOVE Laos Branch selected Phamueang, Sisavard, Phiengdy in Bolikan District and conducted survey and investigation on low-income families in August. This process allowed us to accumulate useful information in developing project plans.

The Third Step – Development of Project Plan with Government Organizations

Third, after necessary survey and investigation, NGOs come up with project plan.

About 3~10 months of time is required after submitting project plan to gather opinions from the community including government organizations and villages. It is a very important stage since budget, resources, and other detailed plans are set during this phase. Depending on the scope of the projects, the time required to complete MOU differs.

HUMAN IN LOVE Laos Branch is currently in Stage 3, developing the draft of the project plan.


Fourth, after completing the project plan, NGOs move to next stage where they sign MOU with related government organizations. NGOs sign MOU with related government agencies directly or administrative district office.

Lastly, after signing MOU, NGOs have to get approvals for each project execution process. These are the required process to begin project here in Laos. The process takes much time and efforts.

When I first came to Laos, I was very shocked about the scope of administrative work and procedures which I never experienced in African countries. I felt hopeless about endless administrative procedures we had to complete in Laos. I thought about an old saying, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ but it was very difficult for me to understand why all these administrative works are necessary. I thought that sometimes good intentions are not good enough to deliver help to people in need. I am sure some of those thoughts came from me being prejudice thinking my way is the best way always and not trying hard enough to understand Laotian culture. I was only looking at things the way I want to view them. And I realized that I was thinking that ordinary citizens and administrative officials are different from each other. Now I am trying not to think that way.

Many people think NGOs can freely work in developing nations since the organizations bring contributions to the region. However, in most cases, NGOs have to go through many different steps to even begin a project in developing nations. All of the development projects you are familiar with also went through the period of preparation as well.

We all expect better fruits to grow from the trees as time goes by. We take fruits for granted most of the time. But as it takes long time for trees to grow and bear a fruit, NGO projects also require much time and effort.

Today I explained about necessary preparation work for NGOs here in Laos. I hope to share the purpose and direction of our projects next time. Right now, the Laos Branch is working hard to make good environment for trees to grow healthy. Although, we are only at the beginning stage, we plan to grow strong and healthy tree one day. We are moving forward one step by step, following the local principles and cultures. It may take some time but we will find the right path.

Please continue to support us on the way.

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