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HUMAN IN LOVE’s Storybook Donation Project

By 2020년 12월 23일August 19th, 2024No Comments

Books are essential for education. By reading books, children and teenagers learn how to speak and write, acquire knowledge, and develop values, creativity, and an ability to think. However, not every child has access to books.

[ Student monks are reading books in a private library in Mandalay ]

Military dictatorship in Myanmar lasted for more than 50 years from 1962 to 2010, which has hindered the development of literature and publication. HUMAN IN LOVE found out that most books written in the Myanmar language in major universities and private libraries were written even before the military rule. Most children books are translated version of foreign books about prince and princess and the rest is about religion and the glorification of the military government.
Books are expensive for ordinary people in Myanmar. According to official statistics, only about 5% of Myanmar’s households with children under age six have three or more books (UNICEF 2014-2015). Although some schools have libraries, the number of books and genres are limited compared to the number of students.

[ HUMAN IN LOVE delivered storybooks to Mandalay and nearby 375 primary schools. (2019. 11) ]

Suburbs and regions where ethnic minorities live are facing even more severe book shortages. Located in the central east part of Myanmar, Kayah State is a rural area and home to 7 to 10 ethnic minorities including the Kayah, Burma, Shan, Karen, Inta, and Pao. Ethnical conflicts, limited access to transportation, and political conflicts between ethnic groups and the government have impeded the development of the State. In particular, the region has a very poor education environment for children and teenagers. With the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO, and National Education for Policy Commission which is under the Ministry of Education of Myanmar, HUMAN IN LOVE decided to donate books to primary, middle, and high schools in Kayah State and entered into discussion for the project in May.

[ Children are reading books donated by HUMAN IN LOVE. ]
[ Four genres of books were delivered by HUMAN IN LOVE to 461 primary schools and 32 libraries in Kayah State. ]

On December 16, HUMAN IN LOVE delivered a total of 3,944 books to Myanmar’s National Education for Policy Commission that will be distributed to 287 primary schools, 96 middle schools, 78 high schools, and 32 libraries in Kayah State.

[ HUMAN IN LOVE delivered books to Kayah State (2020.12.16) ]

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