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Transformation of a House that Used to be Dark and Scary

By 2022년 04월 28일August 13th, 2024No Comments

Mariana became a refugee due to a civil war
Mariana was 22 years old when the Rwandan genocide occurred in 1994. She left her home and was evacuated to Tanzania and gave birth to three children after getting married there. Life as a refugee was very tough and she was deported and had to come back to Rwanda.

[ Mariana, a participant of HUMAN IN LOVE’s Home Environment Improvement Project in Rwanda ]

Still suffering from poverty even after coming back to hometown
However, there was neither land for her to farm nor any family who can help her. It was really difficult for her to make a living and even worse, her husband had passed away a few years ago. To support her remaining family, Mariana has been working as a daily worker and making 25,000 to 375,000 won a month.

“A house” was more of terror rather than comfort
Since many parts of my mud-house like ground and walls were torn down, I was so worried if the house collapses when it rains. My house had only small windows because I couldn’t afford to buy glass to put inside, so it was really dark and stuffy. Most of all, I was living with fear of robbery since my door was not closed perfectly.

[ Mariana’s house before repair ]

We decided to repair houses and started construction for three women who are the main breadwinner of their family and living in poor conditions.

We laid the foundation again, repairing the mud walls with concrete and cement. We installed sturdy and lockable entrance and doors and also windows that can let the sunlight and wind come inside.

[ Front of the house and the roof before repair ]
[ Back of the house before repair ]
[ Interior before repair ]
[ Front of the house and the roof before repair ]
[ Room before repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]

We also replaced an old mattress where all the family was sleeping with a new one.

Repaired a house of “returnees” living in poor conditions
HIL Rwanda Branch has been repairing houses every year for those living with poverty. We repair houses without going against local living environments and causing conflict or discrimination based on the condition that local residents and families are involved in repairing processes.We appreciate HIL supporters for giving a safe and pleasant house to Mariana who had been living a tough life as a refugee for a long time.
Coming up is about house repairing for two families. We ask for your support on our “Home Environment Improvement Project in Rwanda”

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