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Relief activities on farm house damaged from Typhoon ‘Bolaven’(3)

By 2012년 09월 14일August 19th, 2024No Comments

Last August 9th Sunday, Human in Love went to an eggplant farm house in Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Korea with 43 volunteers of high school and university students in order to do a relief activity.

It was a terrible sight indeed. All the vinyl greenhouse was torn apart by the typhoon and eggplants that were supposed to be hung on the string was all fallen to the ground. Crops were fallen when they were not even ripen so they were all to be thrown out. It was a serious situation.

Volunteers assorted the edible crops and collected them, and we also recollected the wastes from the greenhouse and the dead crops in order to prevent pollution.

It still rained while we were doing the relief activities, so the land was muddy which made it even harder for volunteers to work. However all volunteers were caring and was eager to help, from using forces to sensitive works such as undoing the tied ropes.

As a result the volunteers could finish more works than expected. The farmer thanked us, for this kind of activity will take more than 2days with hired day laborers.

This typhoon which had unusually strong wind has caused serious damage to the farm houses. We wish all the best for the damaged farm house, and truly hope that recoveries be made in no time.

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