On December 17th, HUMAN IN LOVE was officially registered as INGO, International Non-Governmental Organization, authorized by the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration.
[ Registration Certificate for INGO ]
We are now starting the scholarship project in Rweru Sector which was selected as our first project area last month. HUMAN IN LOVE Rwanda branch is planning to grant scholarships to 30 students in poverty from secondary schools in Rweru sector in order to provide education. Standards of selection will involve their grades, poverty levels, disability status, and family conditions (orphans, single-parent household, returnee, etc
[ Regional leaders in Rweru sector such as school principles and officials from the Education Ministry are having a heated discussion on the process of the scholarship project. ]
We have posted notices in the area and now are waiting for suitable students to apply. All the forms (application form, letter of recommendation, introductory paperwork, and notice) that are related to this project were created through numerous meetings and modifications made by officials, principles, and regional leaders. It was to ensure that all the forms are based on local characteristics.
Application forms completed will be read and evaluated by staffs of HUMAN IN LOVE Rwanda branch and regional officials and local leaders. Subsequently, through conducting the household vulnerability assessment, we will finally select the scholarship students. We always appreciate those who support us.