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‘Improving Primary Education in Rweru, Rwanda with Gyeonggi Province’

By 2016년 12월 27일August 19th, 2024No Comments

The end of 2016 is nearing soon. Thanks to HUMAN IN LOVE members, many Rwandan children and teenagers who almost gave up studying were able to continue their education in 2017. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of our supporters. In addition, we would like to introduce an ODA project we are conducting with Gyeonggi Province called “Improving Primary Education in Rweru, Rwanda”

“Moving to survive, but no school to attend.”

[ Meeting residents and children at the dock of Mazane Island ]

There is a large lake called Rweru Lake in Rweru, Rwanda where HUMAN IN LOVE conducts one of its projects. Out of the two islands on Rweru Lake, Mazane Island does not have electricity or an adequate water supply facility. Despite the island’s poor living conditions, it is isolated from government and NGO support due to its lack of accessibility. In fact, residents of Mazane Island use dirty lake water consisting of waste water and animal excrement flowing in from the inland for drinking water. The environment they live in is so dirty that even the local public officials are in shock.

[ The life on Mazane Island ]

To solve such problem, the government of Rwanda decided to move the residents of Mazane Island to the inland and started building houses in the area that the residents will emigrate to. However, due to financial difficulties, the construction is not going as planned. In fact, the original plan to build a school for young children from Mazane Island cannot be carried out with the actual budget. This worries the Mazane residents who will be emigrating to Rweru because there is no school to send their children.
That is why HUMAN IN LOVE has decided to build a primary school for residents of Mazane Island emigrating to Rweru with the help of Gyeonggi Province and HUMAN IN LOVE members.

A school they’ve been dreaming of will soon be built.”

The new school will be called Nkanga Primary School (In Rwanda, the name of a school follows the region’s name). Isn’t the name beautiful?

[ Site survey to select the land for construction (left), blueprint of Nkanga Primary School (right) ]

HUMAN IN LOVE has finished all the administrative procedures such as site surveying the land for the school, settling an agreement with the Rwanda government and signing a contract with a construction company by the end of last November. We started building Nkanga Primary School from December 1 of last year. The construction is expected to be finished by February, 2017.

[ The construction site of Nkanga Primary School in Rweru ]

Nkanga Primary School will be an amazing school with three classrooms, a principal’s office, a restroom and a water tank.

Let’s work together to make fundamental change.”

However, the primary school graduation rate in Rwanda is just 36% due to poverty. That is why HUMAN IN LOVE is trying to start a project that can raise awareness on the importance of child education for the parents in Rweru.

[ Discussion at a focus group meeting for the parents in Rweru ]

In addition, we are going to start a capacity building program for primary school teachers starting January since most of the primary school teachers start teaching right after graduating from high school. This program is also needed because one teacher from Rweru is in charge of an average of 65 children.

Read the latest news: Raising awareness on child education, a start of a fundamental change

[ Students from Mazane Primary School wearing their newly sponsored uniforms in January, 2016 ]

HUMAN IN LOVE would like to thank Gyeonggi Province and HUMAN IN LOVE sponsors for giving hope to the people of Rweru who live and learn in poor conditions. Even though the progress may seem slow, HUMAN IN LOVE would like to kindly ask our supporters for their continuous attention, support and interest. Thank you very much.

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