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A Sturdy House You Can Stay in Rain without Worries

By 2022년 05월 25일August 13th, 2024No Comments

HUMAN IN LOVE found Agnes, a female breadwinner, as the second participant of “HIL’s Home Environment Improvement Project in Rwanda”, which is initiated to provide a safe and clean living environment.

[ Agnes, the second participant of HIL’s Home Environment Improvement Project in Rwanda ]

Agnes is living with her grandson, an elementary school boy. She was diagnosed with AIDS in 2002 and could no longer work since then. She’s living with the support of her married daughter.

[ Agnes and her grandson ]

She had to worry about whether her mud house would collapse as its foundation got weakened every time it rained. Since she’s very weak and living from paycheck by paycheck, she cannot imagine repairing the house on her own. Moreover, she was exposed to the danger of robbery since the door is not perfectly locked.

[ Agnes’s house before repair ]

HIL decided to repair her house and started construction. HIL’s scholarship students in Rwanda also helped the construction.

[ Front of the house before repair ]
[ Back of the house before repair ]
[ Ground before repair]
[ Interior before repair ]
[ Bedroom before repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]
[ After repair ]

I really appreciate HIL’s family supporters. My neighbors kept distance from me because I have AIDS, and I was really lonely and had no one to ask for support. I cannot believe HIL helped me and don’t know how to express my feelings. Thank you very much. May the God give you all the blessings and happiness.” – Agnes –

HIL Rwanda Branch has been repairing houses every year for those living with poverty. We repair houses without going against local living environments and causing conflict or discrimination based on the condition that local residents and families are involved in repairing processes.
We appreciate HIL supporters for giving a present of a safe and clean house to Agnes and her grandson. We ask for your continuous interest and support on HIL’s Home Environment Improvement Project in Rwanda.

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