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Defending the Right of Children and Teenagers to Get Education in Rwanda

By 2022년 11월 29일August 13th, 2024No Comments

Can you imagine how frustrating it was for a kid who had to give up going to school although he was a bright student, or who couldn’t take notes simply because he couldn’t afford pens and notebooks and had to be discriminated because he couldn’t pay tuition?

Agukira, who had to give up going to school even though he got a good grade
The parents of Agukira were returnees who fled to Burundi during the Rwandan genocide (in 1994) and returned to Rwanda. Most of returnees are living under poverty because they don’t have foundation for residence, education or necessary information about local community. Even worse, after the covid-19 pandemic, they are living even more severe poverty due to lack of jobs. Agukira’s family is also one of them who hardly make a living, and she was about to decide to give up going to school although she got an excellent grade at a high-school entrance exam. We were saddened to hear that she applied for the scholarship of HUMAN IN LOVE program out of desperate hope.

[ AGUKIRWA Reine Olena, HIL’s Rwanda Education Support Program Applicant (2022 to Now) ]
[ School materials that we provided to students ]

Many students don’t even have pencils and notebooks

[ Mucyo ]

Mucyo, who is in his first year of high school, didn’t perform well before he was selected as a HIL scholarship student. He couldn’t pay lunch fees on time and he couldn’t even take notes because he didn’t have notebooks and pencils. However, he was selected as a HIL scholarship student and now he’s going to schools without any concern about tuition and school supplies, and he is one of the brightest students at his school.
HIL has provided school materials and uniforms so far and this year, we have expanded our support to provide notebooks, pencils, pens, shoes and bags to 17 elementary and kindergarten students in Nyamata, Rawanda.

Defending the rights of children and teenagers to get education.
Since 2013, HIL has been providing scholarships, school uniforms, school meals and supplies to the children and teenagers (kindergarten to university) of poor families at Rweru and Nyamata in Bugesera, Rwanda.

In addition, we are running English and computer classes for senior students while building more classrooms, repairing school facilities, strengthening teachers’ capabilities, promoting the awareness of parents on education, and running literacy classes. In order to make sure that the program, which is solely funded by our supporters’ precious donation, will not end up being an inefficient program that increases the dependence of recipients or that blindly focuses on giving support while neglecting students’ actual performance, we are requiring students to pay some portion of tuition fees and to gain more than 70 scores out of 100 if they are to continue to be eligible for the next scholarship program.

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty
People living in poverty are forced to live a war-like life and have no choice but to neglect the importance of education.
Education is essential to breaking the cycle of poverty. We sincerely ask for your continuous support and interest in Rwandan children and teenagers, and HIL Rwandan Branch will do our very best to make sure the children and teenagers can be guaranteed with the right to get education and pursue their dreams and futures. Thank you.

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